Sunday, November 6, 2011

Oldies, but goodies

Ok, as promised, a few more things I've done.

 This is what I like to call a "CupCake" apron.  I just pick 2 coordinating fabrics, ruffle, and voila, done!  Ok, it takes a little more than just that, if you're interested in learning how to make this, comment/email me and I'd be happy to indulge!  BOOMER SOONER!
 This was a really fun project, using only 1 FABRIC (well not counting the purple border).  It's from a book called One Block Wonders by Maxine Rosenthal.  If you can see, the fabric is actually Chez Moi by Moda.  Love this quilt!
Last is just my own version of those great little pin cushions I see at craft shows.  Pin cushion on top and removable trash on the bottom.  I used those little tiny beads from the floral dept at Hobby Lobby and some loose stuffing for the tops to add weight and keep them on the counter, and then each one is a little different on how it is attached.  The green one has ribbon and buttons, the middle just used scraps of fabrics and a button hole, and the purple is actually attached with velcro.  These were great gifts for my crafy family members!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

New to Bloging

As this is my first blog, I'm not really sure what to write as a first post.  My intention is to share my favorite things with those that choose to enjoy them.  I love to craft, DIY, cook/bake, and refurbish.  PINTREST is my new favorite website, and I hope one day someone will link my blog to pintrest.  One can hope. 

This is one of my recent projects, a T-Shirt quilt I made for a co-worker.  I think the result speaks for itself.  Bright, colorful, and very girly.  This was really hard to part with once it was completed. 

The best tip I can give to someone trying to do a t-shirt quilt is to be patient, save the scraps, and put fusible on the back of every block!! Save those scraps and use them to make headbands, fabric flowers, bracelets, etc, you will actually have a lot of left over fabric, and the fusible will keep the jersey of the t-shirt fabric from stretching and puckering as it is used (and loved)! 

Stay tuned and I will continue posting pictures of projects I've done, am working on, or would like to do.  Thanks!

:0) LindseyZ